- Apr 15, ‘24:
1) Debugged errors and completed a first draft of my function that gets the number of optimal threads for all functions where parallelization is enabled in data.table (will ask Toby for feedback tomorrow), and on my system I ran benchmarks upto 10000 of both rows and columns for up to 10 threads (total number of physical cores in my systems).
- Apr 16, ‘24:
1) Discussed with Toby things to work on and made the suggested changes to the GHA PR.
2) Working on creating a new R package for the ideal thread count function and testing another test case (regression does not look to be correct) for the follow-up PR (move tests.R to /.ci and add another test case).
- Apr 17, ‘24:
1) Worked on the second point that I mentioned above for yesterday.
- Apr 18, ‘24:
1) Made the follow-up PR #6094 and made the suggested changes.
2) Tried to communicate with HR to get the travel finalized for the JSM Conf.
- Apr 19, ‘24:
1) Made the changes Michael suggested for #6094.
2) Made a few slides for my presentation next week.